10 Wellness Tips to Live More Vibrantly Alive

10 Wellness Tips to Live More Vibrantly Alive

By Rachel Grunwell

AD/ This blog was sponsored by the Polynesian Spa in my role as their ambassador. I co-lead the Polynesian Spa’s Mindful Moments Retreats. Book the next retreat here via this link: https://www.polynesianspa.co.nz/mindful-moments-retreat/)

10 Tips to Live more Vibrantly Alive:
1. Surround yourself with people who make your belly laugh and feel joyful. This will make you smile, brighten your day and uplift you from the inside to be more “kid-like”. We need more joy, always. It lifts our mood and makes life fun.
2. Focus on eating more foods that nourish your body to feel better and perform better. It’s not a focus on aesthetics; It’s a focus on uplifting “you”. Ie omega 3s in salmon are great for the brain, while the antioxidants from blueberries are epic brain-food too, for example.
3. Note three things you are grateful for today, visualize these things in how they look, feel, taste, and soak up the magic of this in your life! You could think of people, places, foods you love, an animal you love… whatever you like!
4. If you are feeling hungry around that 3pm “snack attack time”… try drinking a large glass of water instead, wait ten minutes and then notice if you are still hungry. Somethings we confuse being thirsty with being hungry. If you quench your thirst first… then you may not be hungry… you may just have been thirsty!
5. If you are feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed… then try taking a short walk outdoors with a friend. The fresh air, sunshine, gentle movement and good company can shift your mindset to a better space.
6. Spoil yourself. Take a mindful moment to spoil yourself, treat yourself, or just savor some quite “met time” to reset. It could be taking a moment to have a coffee or cup of tea in the sunshine to enjoy some alone time, meeting a friend for lunch for connection time to feel happier, or one of my faves….getting a decadent massage (and of course my top place to go is the Polynesian Spa!) You’ll feel pampered here, relaxed to a whole new level and rejuvenation.
7. Take time to dream about working on a goal or a dream you’d like to achieve. The only thing holding you back is “you”. Remember small steps get you wherever you want to go, I promise.
8. Keep learning, growing, thriving. Keep curious and do things you love to do to find “flow” – that state of psychology that helps you feel “happy”. For me it’s doing things like music, art, running etc. But for you it may be something entirely different. Just do what you love! You deserve this “me time” to recalibrate.
9. Want more energy? The power of a good night of sleep can never be underestimated. This helps you to perform at your best – and still better, it’s free!
10. Looking for a healthy elixir recipe to help you during winter? Try ‘Rach’s Remedy’ which is delicious and full of great nutrition! https://inspiredhealth.co.nz/rachs-remedy/

* Find more tips from Rachel via https://inspiredhealth.co.nz or on instagram https://www.instagram.com/rachelgrunwell/?hl=en