Does Divorce Change My Treasure Plans?

Yes! Even if you don’t have a written estate plan, you do have an inheritance plan under your state’s laws. If you divorce, the nature of your inheritance plans will change.

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If you have a written inheritance plan and are divorced, once your divorce is final, you will need to update your plan.

It’s likely that your divorce could change things like:

  • official Name,
  • Guardian,
  • Benefit recipients,
  • power of attorney, and others.

In addition to your estate plan, it’s important to reassess:

  • joint property,
  • Beneficiaries of retirement and life insurance accounts,
  • Vehicle title, and more.

If you have young children, it is especially important to consider your inheritance plan because you will need to think about guardianship for them and providing for their care if something should happen to you.

While many situations that arise in life can affect your estate plans, divorce definitely requires reviewing and updating your existing plans.

We recommend meeting with an estate planning attorney as soon as the divorce is finalized.

If you need help with your estate plan or following the death of a loved one, we can help.

Contact us today to help you get the right paperwork or to update your current property package. We will plan so you don’t have to worry about your future.

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