How Do I Escape My Non-Competition Clause?

In healthcare, there has been a major expansion in non-competitive clauses. Many of our clients want to find a way out of their non-compete clause when looking to leave their current job.

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The first way to avoid non-compete clause violations is to have your attorney negotiate a no-non-compete clause contract before starting your work.

Sometimes, non-compete clauses are unavoidable. So what can you do in that situation?

  1. Make sure you understand

Lifestyle and Health, Product Recommendations for Acne Medicine

We have discussed the causes of acne, types of acne, and various remedies such as home, natural and herbal remedies. However, we understand your busy schedule may keep you from following a skincare routine to treat acne-prone skin. Don’t worry, we got you covered. Here are recommendations for natural acne medication products that you can invest in and see the results for yourself!

Acne medication with natural ingredients
Acne problems are treatable- try our recommended acne medicine products!

Acne Medication – Is It Possible?

Acne, often covering the entire face and leaving stubborn scars. Not only on the face, acne on other parts of the

The Amazing Benefits of Rice Water for Skin, Hair and Health

Have you ever thought that the starchy foamy water you throw away after rinsing and washing rice can act as a miracle cure for your skin, hair and health? This magical water has been used for centuries because it is extraordinary benefits of rice water. This is one of the longest-known yet best-kept beauty secrets for flawless skin and healthy hair. Here’s more to know about the variety benefits of rice water and how to use it for skin, hair, and health.

Benefits of rice water
Have you taken advantage of the benefits of rice water?

What is Rice Water?

Rice is a

Natural Beauty Tips for Women 50 Plus – Natural Ways of Prime Health Care

Aging is unavoidable. However, you can delay the effects of aging with some proactive measures. Sunlight, pollution, bad weather, and bad habits can damage your skin faster than anything else. With good habits, care, and high-quality beauty products, you can enhance your skin’s natural beauty after the age of 50.

Therefore, we will highlight beauty tips for 50 plus women that can help you enhance your natural attractiveness.

Important Beauty Tips for Women Over 50 Years

Beauty care is very important at this stage of life as aging increases and metabolism decreases. However, simple proactive actions can enhance your beauty

How Can You Protect Your Child?

Many of our estate planning clients have children and want to protect their children.

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Although concerns vary, protecting children is a big part of estate planning.

When parents have small child, housing planning is very important. This allows parents to choose guardians for their children. This will ensure that they have peace of mind knowing who will be looking after their little ones.

This will also prevent court battles over

How to Quit Smoking – Natural Ways to Maintain Excellent Health

Smoking is the single leading cause of death from cancer. It is a fact that smoking causes severe complications to our health which can eventually lead to our own premature death. In fact, adult male and female smokers lose many years of their lives. However, regular smoking does not lead to instant death but causes a very slow and painful death through diseases like emphysema, blood clots, tuberculosis and many more. In light of these facts, it is a very wise decision to quit smoking and start living a very healthy and long life with your family.


Effective Tips That

Cure 12 Skin Problems With Natural Oil Heals – Natural Ways of Excellent Health Care

Having skin problems can be a painful experience, especially if you are unable to treat them. It’s very disappointing not to be able to get the help you need to improve your skin, leaving you feeling helpless. However, now you can cure 12 skin problems in a natural way, prepared with high quality homeopathic ingredients and natural essential oils extracted from plants. This product is safe and manufactured to the highest standards in a GMP facility in the USA. Some skin care products are also registered with the FDA.

Read on to find out how to cure 12 skin problems

What is a Medical Power of Attorney?

One document we recommend for nearly all of our estate planning clients is the Medical Resistance Power of Attorney. This document allows you to select a person to make medical decisions on your behalf, if you are unable or unable to make these decisions on your own.

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A Durable Medical Power of Attorney is an important document, as nothing can predict their disability.

This legal document allows you to list medical