EHR hazard

The Electronic Health Record can be a very helpful tool. However, they are not without faults. Recent alerts highlight that electronic health records (EHR) are a prime target for cybercriminals. They can also lead to inappropriate billing if not set up properly.

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The Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3) issued a warning to healthcare entities regarding EHR vulnerabilities and safeguards.

Protected health information (PHI) continues to retain its value on the …

Top 5 Reasons to Not Have a Housing Plan

We often hear many reasons why people don’t have estate plans or why they delay making their estate plans.

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Here are the top five reasons why people don’t have estate plans (and why these reasons shouldn’t prevent you from carrying out your estate planning today):

  1. I don’t have enough money, property, etc. Estate planning isn’t just about assets. Estate planning is a way to protect your will, in case of inability.

Can You Prevent Whistleblower Lawsuits?

When a whistleblower lawsuit is filed against a company or practice, it is common for many of the warnings to be ignored or not handled properly. Most of the time, wrongdoing is uncovered internally first and handling the problem properly can prevent lawsuits.

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Often, employees who become whistleblowers try to raise the issue internally before going outside the company.

There is also fear of retaliation by many complainants. Fear of reprisal

Are You Ready for an Audit?

The Federal Government continually audits healthcare entities. The recent Michigan settlement resulted in prison terms and hefty payments for violations of the False Claims Act.

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If your compliance plan needs updating, now is the time.

You want to make sure that your practice is protected so you don’t end up in the same situation as a vascular surgeon from Bay City, Michigan.

A vascular surgeon was sentenced 80 months in prison

What is a Medical Power of Attorney?

One document we recommend for nearly all of our estate planning clients is the Medical Resistance Power of Attorney. This document allows you to select a person to make medical decisions on your behalf, if you are unable or unable to make these decisions on your own.

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A Durable Medical Power of Attorney is an important document, as nothing can predict their disability.

This legal document allows you to list medical

Remarriage and Housing Planning – Rickard & Associates

If you are getting remarried, it is important to understand your spouse’s inheritance rights.

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Before you marry a second or third time, you want to know your partner’s rights to your property and vice versa.

You may want to work with an attorney to draw up a prenuptial agreement, before exchanging vows.

Then, you’ll want to know the intestation laws in your state. If you die without a written estate plan,

What Does the End of a Public Health Emergency Mean?

The national Public Health Emergency (PHE) for COVID-19 ended on 11 May 2023.

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The end of the public health emergency brought various changes to the health care system.

Most of the remaining federal COVID-19 vaccine requirements will expire for federal workers, contractors and foreign air travelers.

The government also lifted the requirement for Head Start educators and health workers.

Free COVID-19 vaccines and tests will no longer be provided and will

EHR threat? – Rickard & Partners

Recent alerts highlight that electronic health records (EHR) are a prime target for cybercriminals.

We can help you stay abreast of the latest news that impacts your everyday life. Subscribe to stay up to date. (To subscribe to our blog ).

The Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3) issued a warning to healthcare entities regarding EHR vulnerabilities and safeguards.

Protected health information (PHI) continues to retain its value on the dark web and is a constant target for cybercriminals.

With the recent growth of telehealth and healthcare technology, we have seen a huge increase in cybercrimes and breaches