Zero Bethel restaurants fail inspections for three years running

BETHEL — All of the more than 60 establishments examined by the town for food safety guideline compliance in the past three years have passed their inspections, according to data from Bethel’s health department.

The results of Bethel’s 2020, 2021 and 2022 food service inspection reports are in stark contrast from about seven years ago, when nearly two dozen out of 130 food-serving establishments in town failed inspection between May 2015 to May 2016. The latest reports include new restaurants and other establishments, such as La Placita Bethel Market and Cinnamon Churros Café, that needed to pass inspection to open. …

Weekly Meal Plan 3.12.23 –

By utilizing a weekly meal plan, you can ensure you and your family are maintaining healthy eating habits, exploring new recipes, and ultimately — save time (and money!) in the grocery store and kitchen each week.

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US Life Span Falling Behind Our Peer Countries

March 6, 2023 · 7:29 AM

From NPR:

The average life expectancy for Americans is shortened by over seven months [in 2021]according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

That decrease follows an already big decline of 1.8 years in 2020. As a result, the expected life span of someone born in the US is now 76.4 years — the shortest it has been in nearly two decades.

But we still have the best healthcare system in the world, right? Not if you judge it by life expectancy. From Health System Tracker:

Life expectancy in the

Spotting Healthy Food Swaps – Consumer Reports

Despite what you may have heard, trading your morning shredded wheat or oatmeal for a grain-free cereal isn’t necessarily a healthy food swap. “These cereals can make you think that there’s something wrong with eating grains, but that’s not the case,” Keating says. “Many studies show that including whole grains in your diet reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, and more, and regular cereal can be a convenient way to get them.”

Still, some grain-free cereals can be good for you, such as grain-free granolas. These are typically made from a combination of nuts and seeds—which provide healthy fats,