Hmmm, what’s for dinner?

How many times have you asked yourself the following question or been asked it?

“What’s for dinner?”

I would say many, many times…maybe even on a daily basis! This can be one of the toughest questions because you really don’t know what to have for dinner!

We are constantly making decisions throughout the day and when dinner time comes around, it’s another decision that we have to make! We seem to be always trying to figure out what to eat.

Can you relate to this?

One evening, I was staring into my fridge, trying to figure out what to make. …

Should You Be Concerned About Arsenic in Rice?

Arsenic-based pesticides have been used in agricultural practices for many years, and, accordingly, soils and groundwater in the US are contaminated with varying levels of arsenic. Because arsenic exists in soil and water, it finds its way into our food supply. And nearly all foods contain some level of arsenic.

What Foods Have the Most Arsenic?

Studies show that most of the arsenic in the American diet comes from meat, milk, poultry, pork, eggs and seafood. Poultry is the worst offender. Some chickens exceed the EPA safety limit for arsenic by 2,000%. Meat and poultry are high in arsenic because

Weekly Meal Plan 3.12.23 –

By utilizing a weekly meal plan, you can ensure you and your family are maintaining healthy eating habits, exploring new recipes, and ultimately — save time (and money!) in the grocery store and kitchen each week.

3.12.23 weekly meal plan

On The Menu This Week:

Did You Know?

By creating an account, you can save recipes and meal plans, personalize them, and even make shopping lists?

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Weekly Meal Plan


How to Save Recipes | How to Create a Meal Plan | How to Use Shopping

The healthy food trends – for you and the planet – to watch for in 2023

Mashed ube, or purple sweet potato.AmalliaEka/stock

Leslie Beck, a Toronto-based private practice dietitian, is director of food and nutrition at Medcan. Follow her on Twitter @LeslieBeckRD

Just as it has in the past (almost) three pandemic years, personal wellness will be an important driver of food trends this year.

Environmental sustainability will also continue to sway our food choices in 2023, even more so as consumers become increasingly concerned about climate change.

And with persistent inflation, at least for the first half of this year, we’ll be looking to take care of personal and planetary health without squeezing our